Calian Advanced Technologies

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Calian’s Advanced Technologies division (formally Calian SED) provides infrastructure for satellite ground systems including antennas, antenna/RF systems, and network management and gateways solutions for controlling and monitoring satellite network resources, equipment and services.

Advanced Technologies also designs and manufactures Calian and OEM branded communication products for wired and wireless applications and power management and control products for military vehicle applications.


Calian Antennas

Calian Advanced Technologies Product Lines

Remote Spectrum Analyzer
Calian Decimator D4

Decimator D4 Spectrum and Signal Analyzer is a fourth-generation product that builds upon the capabilities of the popular Decimator D3. Decimator D4 is a wideband spectrum analyzer with carrier monitoring that can be used for L-band, C-band, Ka-band, Ku-band, and Q/V-band frequency satellite signals. The D4 features a secure control interface that’s ideal for monitoring RF feeds & carriers in satellite, wired & terrestrial wireless networks.

Calian Advanced Technologies SATCOM Product portfolio

Have a peek into this great summary of Calian products also including our SatService sat-nms Product Family

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sat-nms MNC system

Our sat-nms MNC Monitoring & Control System supports the Decimator D3 and Decimator D4  Spectrum Analysers out of the box.


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Decimator D4 Product Page from Calian Advanced Technologies