Get in contact with SatService

Do you have any question, a requests, or just want to get in touch with us? Just drop as a message via our contact form, e-mail or phone.



Please add 7 and 1.


SatService GmbH
Hardstrasse 9
78256 Steisslingen

Phone Head Office: +49 7738 99791 10
Phone Sales: +49 7738 99791 20

our sales contact address is sales at satservicegmbh dot de



How to find us

From direction South / Zurich Airport

At Zurich Airport, you take the motor way to direction St. Gallen, Kreuzlingen. Always follow this motor way. The motor way number is at first N1 and then later on you take the motor way exit towards Schaffhausen. In Schaffhausen never leave the main road and always drive direction Germany, Thayngen (which is the border station) and Singen.
In Thayingen you go via the border at the customs and then 1km after customs you go left on to the motor way A81 in direction Stuttgart. After two tunnels you come to the crossing Hegau and you take the direction Konstanz on B33. You take the next exit Singen / Steißlingen.

From direction North / Stuttgart

You reach us from direction Stuttgart either via the A8 (Karlsruhe-Stuttgart) or A81 (Heilbronn Stuttgart). Shortly before arriving Stuttgart at Leonberg, you are on the A8 towards direction Munich, but also Singen is labeled. After some kilometers you take the exit to motor way A81 towards Böblingen, Singen. This motor way brings you 120 km down into the south, always straight on.
At the motor way crossing Hegau you take the direction Konstanz on B33, these are now yellow labels instead of the blue one of the motor way, but still built like a motor way. You take direction to Konstanz. The next exit is labeled Singen / Steißlingen. You take this exit.